Allegheny Mountain House
WVAFH - West Virginia Assocation of Fellowship Homes

The Mission of the West Virginia Association of Fellowship Homes is to support recovery from alcohol and drug addiction by providing education, developing resources and serving as a clearinghouse for Mountain State members and associates. We serve as the collective voice for transitional living facilities that provide long-term alcohol and drug recovery.

The West Virginia Association of Fellowship Homes, Inc. (WVAFH), is a non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation organized to serve as a collective voice for some of the transitional living facilities within West Virginia.

Allegheny Mountain House
33 Limestone Rd
Keyser WV 26726
Tel: 304 289-3296
Fax: 304 289-3389

Nestled in the beautiful Allegheny Mountains of the Potomac Highlands, the Alkire Mansion resides on an acre of land situated in Mill Meadow Park in Keyser, West Virginia. The first Transitional Living Facility east of the Allegheny Front is expected to open in 2010. The mansion will house 15 to 18 substance dependent males who wish to enter a permanent recovery program. Length of stay will be 6 months up to 1 year.

In addition to the 12 step program the staff will offer G.E.D. programs for those in need of a high school diploma, a job through West Virginia Workforce, Anger Management Training, Dynamics of Personal Leadership, And a Supervisory Management Program. Each resident will have his own bank account and will be required to pay the house a stipend for his room and board.

It will be the first of approximately fifteen homes for substance abusers to be established in the eastern panhandle area of West Virginia.
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