Mike Heston Serenity Fellowship Home
WVAFH - West Virginia Assocation of Fellowship Homes

The Mission of the West Virginia Association of Fellowship Homes is to support recovery from alcohol and drug addiction by providing education, developing resources and serving as a clearinghouse for Mountain State members and associates. We serve as the collective voice for transitional living facilities that provide long-term alcohol and drug recovery.

The West Virginia Association of Fellowship Homes, Inc. (WVAFH), is a non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation organized to serve as a collective voice for some of the transitional living facilities within West Virginia.

Mike Heston Serenity Fellowship Home
200 Columbia St
Fairmont WV 26554-4047
Tel: 304 367-1185
E-mail: jesselawson@frontier.com

Located in Fairmont, WV, the Mike Heston Serenity Fellowship Home has a capacity of eight (8) beds, and is owned by the Marion Healthcare Foundation, a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. The operation of the Home is funded through a grant to the Marion Healthcare Foundation from the West Virginia Bureau of Behavioral Health and Health Facilities.

We provide transitional living services to adult (18 years of age and older) males who are in early recovery from Chemical Dependency. Referrals are accepted on a statewide basis from Residential In-Patient Treatment programs, and from Intensive Out-Patient Treatment programs.

The Home maintains a strict policy of zero tolerance regarding the consumption of alcohol and all illicit substances. The use of tobacco (including smokeless) is prohibited in the building.

Prospective residents must commit to a minimum residency of ninety (90) days. Continued residency after 90 days is based upon the individual’s efforts to grasp the principles of twelve-step recovery, and his progress towards establishing independent living and a recovery-centered lifestyle. While here, each resident is required (at a minimum) to maintain complete abstinence from alcohol and all illicit substances, to attend at least one AA/NA meeting daily, to attend scheduled Relapse Prevention sessions, to perform daily chores, and (when appropriate) to participate in out-patient counseling/therapy through Valley Health Systems. Residents are encouraged to actively seek employment, and are required to pay a Residency Fee: thirty percent of their net income. This sliding scale applies to all residents with income.

Our primary purpose is to provide for residents a program of re-education, in a safe and stable living environment, that enables residents to establish and maintain independent living and a recovery-centered lifestyle on a permanent basis.
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