Rainbow House
WVAFH - West Virginia Assocation of Fellowship Homes
The Mission of the West Virginia Association of Fellowship Homes is to support recovery from alcohol and drug addiction by providing education, developing resources and serving as a clearinghouse for Mountain State members and associates. We serve as the collective voice for transitional living facilities that provide long-term alcohol and drug recovery.
The West Virginia Association of Fellowship Homes, Inc. (WVAFH), is a non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation organized to serve as a collective voice for some of the transitional living facilities within West Virginia.
Rainbow House
158 Main St
Gypsy WV 26361
Tel: 304 592-3592
Rainbow House is a non-profit, non-affiliated recovery home for the rehabilitation of alcoholics and other chemically dependent persons. The facility has been located in Gypsy, WW since 1986 and houses 10 men. Potential residents must be 18 years of age and sober for 72 hours preceeding admission. The resident is interviewed by the Director and must indicate a willingness too become involved in the recovery process.
Rainbow House is dedicated to promoting an understanding and awareness of alcoholism and/or other addiction as a treatable disease and offering assistance to all persons either directly or indirectly affected by the disease. As a transitional living facility for the chemically dependent, Rainbow House strives to provide an alternative domicile away from an individual’s negative environment.
Client services are based upon individual need; however, Rainbow House offers a variety of opportunities for the chemically dependent and their families.
The residential program provides group sessions, individual counseling and access to professional health care services, as needed. The family structure of the home provides an atmosphere of love and concern, along with a full range of learning experiences designed to develop sober living skills and successful transition into home, work and community living. All residents are required to contribute financial support, although no individual is denied admission for lack of funds.
Rainbow House is unique to Harrison County and provides a community service that is unmatched by any other facility in the county. For a homeless individual desiring to recover and in need of specialized addiction services, this transitional living facility offers hope for recovery without the financial demands which often inhibit successful recovery.